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Power of Potential – Going from Problem to Potentials

Power of Potential – Going from Problem to Potentials

In a world where challenges seem to multiply, shifting our perspective from problems to potential opens up remarkable possibilities. Instead of being tethered to a cycle of solving one issue only to encounter the next, embracing potential allows us to approach challenges with a broader and more optimistic mindset. This paradigm shift, from problem-oriented thinkingLæs mere omPower of Potential – Going from Problem to Potentials[…]

Puljeaften 2021

Puljeaften 2021

Her er links og andet materiale som du kan benytte til puljeaften.Link til jamboard: Link til Utterslev Mose film: Husk at der er stiftende møde til en moseforening den 29/11-21 klokken 19:00 på Biblioteket